The Governmental Savings Institute is a not-for-profit organization formed to create substantial cost savings for government while facilitating the increase and expansion of governmental services and choices for citizens.
International Medicare Pilot Program
Governmental Savings through International Healthcare
9 Million American Citizens live abroad permanently. Additionally, the costs of providing medical care to aging Americans is rapidly escalating, both as a percentage of GDP and in absolute dollars. Our costs are the highest in the world. Furthermore, today, Americans who retire abroad lose their Medicare coverage. Our goal is to enable a pilot program whereby Americans who retire abroad would be able to retain their Medicare coverage. This would allow for American families living abroad to be reunited with the senior generation while simultaneously enabling substantial annual savings, especially among Americans with pre-existing medical conditions. This program could be viewed as Pay-For Legislation in that it allows the government to the export of actuarialized liabilities at a fraction of their estimated cost. The pilot would also allow Americans, who have paid into the Medicare Trust Fund, to access the benefits of Medicare wherever they choose to retire. Estimated governmental savings in excess of $200 billion. More information available:
- Executive Overview
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Proposed Pilot, Enacted Legislation (pages 97-98)
- Cost Comparison
- 4 Case Studies
- Survey Questionnaire of Americans Overseas & Results
- Analysis of Survey Results
- Survey Results Cross-tabbed
- Letters of Support available upon request.
Citizenship for Service
Governmental Savings through Fast Tracking Naturalization
Naturalization is a privilege earned through affiliation with a country. In the US, this is achieved through applying for a Green Card, followed by a residency requirement, and finally, taking an exam. The process to citizenship is long by design. There exists a “fast track” today through military service. An enlist, who is not a citizen, is eligible for citizenship after a year of service. Our goal is to enable this track to be mirrored for other, to be defined, forms of service to the Nation. Estimated governmental savings in excess of $10 billion. More information available: Executive Overview.
Self Defense for Girls
Government Savings through the Protection of Young Girls with effective Self Defense Programs
20% of all women are assaulted at some point during their lives in all Western countries. The #metoo movement is a resonance of this fact. While calling out assailants is important, it is much more beneficial to create programs that train girls to avoid situations and, when required, act to protect themselves. GSI’s founder funded a pilot program of 90 girls within a school setting, to take self defense classes. Within less than a year: 2 students were assaulted and repelled their attackers and 6 girls avoided serious situations. GSI has worked with a municipality to start to roll-out a self defense program citywide. The costs of the classes were far less than the costs of the care had the 2 girls become victims. Estimated governmental savings in excess of $120 billion. More information available: Pilot Program - Executive Overview.
Conversion of Salary Inflation Increase to Land Equity
Government savings through salary increase for land equity
As our Federal and State governments face revenue shortfalls due to deteriorating economic conditions, the desire and pressure to impose across-the-board expense reductions become inevitable. However all governments have non-cash monetary means for compensating Civil Servants at their disposal. Most governments carry the value of their real estate holdings on their balance sheets at 1 dollar. By creating a mechanism whereby Civil Servants are willing to forego inflation indexed salary increases in exchange for land equity, governments can still match revenues with expenses while simultaneously providing a same or even enhanced level of service to their citizens. Estimated governmental savings in excess of $50 billion. More information available: Current Case Under Consideration in Israel.
We're on a mission to connect your cause to the people who care the most.
Philippe Blumenthal
Founder & CEO
- 30+ years of operational leadership experience.
- Founder of the Government Savings Institute.
- Founding team member at Fibrogen (FGEN), UroGen (URGN),and precurser fund of Royalty Pharma.
- Former banker at Lazard Freres and Bayrische Hypoteken-und-WechselBank AG
- BA from Brown University and MBA from INSEAD.
- More information
Elliot Levitas
Senior Advisor
- Served in the United States House of Representatives from 1975 -1985 representing Georgia’s 4th district.
- He is a retired partner at Kilpatrick Townsend.
- More information
Sunny Park
Senior Advisor
- An immigrant success story. Born in Korea, he became a naturalized citizen and founded General Building Maintenance in 1983, one of the premier commercial cleaning service providers in America.
- Winner of multiple personal and business awards.
- More information
Dr. Aaron Cohen
Senior Advisor
- Served for many years as the Director of the Geriatric Department at the Ministry of Health in Israel.
- Created the “Hospital at Home” a 300+ bed hospital in Israel which allows patients to be hospitalized while remaining at home for certain chronic or long term hospitalizations.
- One of the founding investigators into the longest running large scale longitudinal study in Israel.
- More information
Founder's Vision of Government
We are blessed to be part of the United States of America, a country established of the people, by the people and for the people. With this great privilege comes a moral obligation to do all in our power to help and support our government in acting simultaneously in a fiscally responsible manner and compassionately towards all of its citizens, especially in times of personal and national need.
The Governmental Savings Institute was formed to help our leaders create substantial cost savings while providing more optimal solutions for our citizens: caring for the elderly in a more compassionate manner, helping the young people prepare for the harsher world outside, and supporting and welcoming the stranger in our midst who, through service, seeks to become one of us.
Our government and its leaders must seek to foster and empower creative bi-partisan collaborations -- finding the middle ground and creating public policy with which the vast majority of all Americans agree. And, while our society must be open to all voices, there needs to be a deep recognition that the still small voice of the center is the clarion call for all to follow. For that we must learn: to listen to alternative ideas, to seek an optimal balance of compromise and collaboration, and to maintain our civility and respect for one another.
As citizens, it is incumbent upon us to tell ourselves and our posterity, it is a far far better thing I do than I have ever done, it is a far far better place I leave than I have ever known.I would be honored to have you join me in developing creative solutions -- helping government, citizens, and the world at large forge a better future.
-- Philippe Blumenthal
GSI Founder & CEO
Serious Analysis on Global Issues
The Pandemic: A Lemonade and Utilitarian approach As 2019 began to fade, the makings of a pandemic started in China. A regime uniquely qualified, through its massive social engineering and belief in the needs of community over individuals, to stop a virus in its tracks failed. By February 2020,...Newsletter
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